Becoming Michelle Obama. the first ever Word Winnow book review. My thoughts and interpretations of the former First Lady’s memoir.

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For the first time ever, I sat down and wrote a book review…..The book of choice was ‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama…... These are my thoughts and interpretations of the former First lady’s memoir.

I need to begin with a confession…. prior to reading Becoming, my knowledge of Michelle Obama was limited. But when I saw her newly published book, I decided it was for me. Not because of the author, although given her position over the last ten years, there was bound to be interesting stories inside…. but I have to admit I was mostly drawn to the title, ‘Becoming’.

The reason? ‘Becoming’ was one of my ‘Words Of The Year’ for 2018 (yes I know it’s no longer 2018)…. if you also choose a ‘Word Of The Year’ you will understand why I felt this book was meant for me. 

Michelle’s memoir gives you a bit of everything. From her childhood story, issues of race, gender, education, career, love, loss, becoming a mother, becoming a politician’s wife, becoming the First Lady of The United States (FLOTUS), life in the Whitehouse and living a life of purpose.

Overall, Becoming invites the reader to understand Michelle-the-girl which in turn enables us to understand Michelle-the-woman… let me share some of my observations and take-aways from the book.


On Michelle’s Childhood and Upbringing

Michelle’s writing approach is very open and earnest. She relays her childhood story as if the reader is a trusted friend, even sharing openly about her self doubts; commenting, ‘Confidence, I’d learned then, sometimes needs to be called from within. I’ve repeated the same words to myself many times now, through many climbs… “Am I good enough? Yes I am.”

Her love of school and exceptional student qualities made her a dream student. She was always disciplined, always ambitious and always driven to be the best she could be. A lot can be said for her parents too. They might be perceived as ordinary but were extraordinary when it came to endurance, perseverance, humility, grace, patience, class and love. They were exemplary role models for Michelle, instilling a sure and secure foundation that would ultimately project Michelle into her adulthood.

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On Barack Obama

Does Michelle share much about Barack? Yes she does!

Fast forward through education and university and suddenly Michelle’s career path collides with Barack. And because I don’t want to spoil anything about their meeting, all I will say is their crossing paths does not occur in the way you might think. Michelle says regarding the early days of getting to know Barack, ‘He was refreshing, unconventional, and weirdly elegant. Not once, though, did I think about him as someone I’d want to date.’

The book mentions Barack a lot (they are married after all). After reading about him I can’t help but be convinced he was born to be a world changer. In my eyes, Barack Obama’s appointment as the 44th President of the United States was no accident but rather his life calling. Despite numerous opportunities that presented themselves he had a preordained position waiting at the White House. 

Michelle wrote of a young Barack still at university‘Barack was being encouraged to work for the Supreme Court. But Barack wasn’t interested. He wanted to live in Chicago. He had ideas for writing a book about race in America and planned, he said, to find work that aligned with his values, which most likely meant he wouldn’t end up in corporate law. He steered himself with a certainty I found astounding,’


On Choosing A Meaningful Career 

My absolute favourite part of Becoming is a section dedicated to what I like to call, ‘Michelle’s Enlightenment’. Her enlightenment occurred in the middle of getting to know Barack.……. She was swept into a new life embracing Barack’s very grounded yet very different views on life whilst simultaneously experiencing the loss of life in one of her close friends.

The dutiful, diligent girl turned dutiful, diligent career woman went through a series of life altering moments, exposing a truth she had not yet realised……. life for Michelle was no longer just about studying, having a career and making money. Life was now about living with purpose and fulfilling soul longings. 

On enlightenment Michelle says,‘Somehow, in all my years of schooling, I hadn’t managed to think through my own passions and how they might match up with work I found meaningful.’……………………‘In the span of a year, I’d gained Barack and lost Suzanne, and the power of these two things together had left me spinning. Suzanne’s sudden death had awakened me to the idea that I wanted more joy and meaning in my life.’ 

On Motherhood

Michelle’s reflections on motherhood reveal even more of her ‘real human’ layers that us observers might easily assume the wealthy, the famous or world leaders don’t possess….. like struggling to fall pregnant and choosing IVF.

I personally found comfort in the stories Michelle shared about mum guilt…. She was honest about the juggle of being a mum whilst projecting a career and struggling to find life balance…. especially with a husband who was oversubscribed with work duties. (This all before Barack was President).

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Behind the Scenes- The Whitehouse

I loved the behind-the-scenes details…. Who doesn’t love knowing what goes on behind closed doors? It’s a smorgasbord of details about the secret service, revelations about each of the Obama family’s code names, the details of the presidential motorcade and the incredible features of Barack’s presidential vehicle aptly name ‘the beast’. 


On the Obamas

I was overwhelmed by the enormous responsibility, obligation and sacrifice the President and his family undertake and in the same breath was over-awed at the servant like heart Michelle and Barack possess. They move through life with their own moral compass, guided by sayings like, When people go low, we go high’ (and you can imagine how low people go).

Their personal convictions are illustrated beautifully when they decline the $100,000 each president receives to furnish and design the living premises of the Whitehouse… instead Barack chooses to pay for everything with their own money. What a couple, what a team, what a family.

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Surprises in the book

Chapter 22 Well played Michelle, well played (I won’t spoil it for you but this chapter got me good)

Barack’s proposal to Michelle… Soooo good. It had me shocked, laughing and a bit gob smacked. It’s obvious Barack is a fun-loving character who knows how to execute a joke.


What I believe about Michelle

Michelle’s a woman from the South Side of Chicago who really wasn’t interested in politics but by default was thrust into a world of campaigning and serving the United States of America. She is a woman who loves her country deeply and also loves that she is a black woman. She is a voice of hope for many but especially for those who believe the colour of their skin equates to hopelessness. 

She is exceptionally humble and I have a sneaking suspicion she’s a whole lot smarter than she allows herself to admit.

Michelle’s destiny to become something great was apparent within the first pages. She is intelligent, a career woman in her own right and a woman of impeccable character and poise. She has an acute understanding of her own moral system, upholding her values in order to be different and make a difference. She is remarkable and unique yet also just like us. She is, BECOMING.

(And now to hold our breaths and pray that Michelle gifts us with another book sooner rather than later).

Xx Phillippa